Payment methods:
PayPal / DeviantArt Pts ( 1 USD=100 pts)


All types come with a free decorative background.
All prices are for personal use commissions.

Regular commercial use = 2x personal use price.
As the artist I retain the right to post the produced artwork for my portfolio use, while commissioner can use the artwork for merchandise or use in commercial sites (Twitch, Youtube)

Exclusive commercial use = 3x personal use price.
Commissioner bought rights to use the artwork for merchandise, and gets full control about the secrecy of the work. Example: to be used for special release of a product. 

50 USD / character

65 USD / character

❊Half-Body / Knee-ups
85 USD / character

105 USD / character

❊Scenery Background
200 USD / illustration, additional per character +50 USD.

Detailed characters will be charged with an additional price, depending on the complexity of the design. Might range from +10-100 USD.

( Pixel art, emotes, character reference commissions are closed for now )








❊Half-Body / Knee-ups







❊Scenery Background